i can't even think straight right now. i can't even try to be witty. i am so tired sob. PHOTOS ONWARDS
(as always this is just a small pickings of photos, you can see everything on my flickr)

WEIRDEST JJAJJANGMYUN EVER! like the japanese take on the korean version of what is traditionally a chinese dish. with "chilled" noodles. so weirrddd

the last few photos (and first) were taken in my backyard, where we grow rosemary and cherry tomatoes and apparently squash even too, since last i came back home. my father transformed into a grandpa overnight/semester. i'm not even lying, there's a significant increase in sweatervests and bifocals-wearing. i feel guilty for it somehow
until next time (which should be very soon)
haha omg that elephant picture is crazy! hahahaha if i saw that in person I might just burst out laughing..lol im just immature like taht haaa. i looove that you darw on your pics heaheahe i might try it soon :D
Haha that elephant picture is so unny ! where was it taken ? xx
AWESOME Photos!!
Love Your Blog! :D:D
that exhibit is ridiculous, and weirdly interesting.
what a beautiful photos!
xoxo from France
so beautiful, i love the elephant photos and the pigeons all flying.. and that noodle dish sounds yummy! the more cultures influence the better ?
AWESOME Photos!!
data entry work from home
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